ADHD and infidelity: Is there a connection?

This is a journey through the complex interplay of love, betrayal, and ADHD – a realm where understanding and empathy are paramount. In this exploration, we’ll dive into the intricacies of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and its potential impact on intimate relationships. From the scientific lens to the personal narrative, we’ll navigate the terrain together.


Can you trust them after betrayal? The two kinds of betrayers

When faced with betrayal and abuse in a relationship, it can be challenging to decide whether to stay or leave. The emotional turmoil and uncertainty can leave us feeling lost and overwhelmed. However, by asking ourselves important questions and seeking guidance, we can navigate this difficult journey toward healing and make the right decision for …


Finding Yourself: Stage Four After Betrayal & Resilience

When betrayal strikes, it leaves us feeling shattered and lost, questioning everything we once believed. The pain cuts deep, affecting us mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It’s a journey of healing that requires immense strength and resilience. In this article, we’ll explore stage four after betrayal, where acceptance and resilience become our guiding lights. Key …


Sickness after betrayal: Understanding the Second Stage of Post-Betrayal Syndrome

In the second stage of healing after betrayal, the intricate interplay between our minds and bodies becomes more apparent. In this crucial phase, the impact of betrayal unfolds, leaving us to grapple with the physical burden it places upon us. Post-betrayal syndrome, a complex condition that encompasses both emotional and physical symptoms – often in …


Navigating Stage One After Betrayal: Shock and How to Deal with the Stress Response

Betrayal is a painful and traumatic experience that can shatter our world. The initial stage, known as stage one after betrayal, is marked by shock and disbelief. It is a time when our bodies and minds are overwhelmed, and our worldview is shattered. This intense shock triggers the body’s stress response, commonly known as the …